Mathematical Models of Human Papillomavirus Transmission with Vaccination

Maria Lobo, Maria Machado, Waltrudis Adelia Asa


The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the viruses that can cause cervical cancer. However, vaccination can prevent such a virus. The spread of the virus in cervical cancer can be modelled in the SI model, however, such a model has not produced accurate results. The development and extension of the model into S1S2IRC, with S1 denoting the population aged 0–10 years and S2 representing the population over 10 years, which is susceptible to HPV infection. The results produce disease-free and endemic equilibrium points. The analysis of the equilibrium points yields that the disease-free equilibrium point will be asymptotically stable for R0< 1 and R0 > 1 for the endemic equilibrium point. The results indicate that the higher the probability of humans being prone to the HPV virus, the greater the chance of these individuals being infected by the virus. Therefore, vaccination is required to protect against the virus infection.  



mathematical modeling; human papillomavirus; cervical cancer

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