Estimasi Nonlinear Least Trimmed Squares (NLTS) pada Model Regresi Nonlinier yang Dikenai Outlier
Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) production function is the intrinsic nonlinear regression models that are often used to estimate the data in an industry. Intrinsic nonlinear regression model is a kind
of nonlinear regression that can not be linearized, so as to estimate the beta parameters nonlinear statistical model used was Nonlinear Least Squares (NLS) using a first order taylor series approach used in the Gauss
Newton iteration. One of the problems often encountered in the analysis of data is an outlier, the presence of outliers in the data analysis greatly influence the results of the analysis so it becomes less valid and the estimation
become biased. One method that is resistant to outliers regression is a method of Nonlinear Least Trimmed Squares. This research aims to determine the characteristics of parameter CES production function which
contains outlier. The result shows that parameter of the production function CES which contains outliers are bias, inconsistent. So the CES production function which does not contain outliers better than the are contains
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