Erryma Meisyah Nur 'Aini


The current state of the environment is significantly degraded, necessitating concerted preservation efforts, such as the implementation of the Adiwiyata program. This initiative is geared towards enhancing the knowledge and awareness of school members to foster a healthy and sustainable environment. Early exposure to the importance of environmental preservation is crucial, thus emphasizing the need for proactive measures to instill environmental awareness in students from a young age. Environmental education subjects play a pivotal role in imparting essential knowledge and fostering awareness about the significance of protecting the surrounding environment. This study aims to comprehensively describe the management practices of the independent Adiwiyata development team at MIN 2 Madiun and its pivotal role in shaping the Pancasila student profile. Employing a qualitative case study method, data was collected through various means including observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis involved data reduction, presentation, and drawing meaningful conclusions. The findings underscore the effective planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and integration of Adiwiyata programs within the framework of shaping the Pancasila student profile at MIN 2 Madiun.


Mandiri Adiwiyata, Profile of Pancasila Students, Management

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