Vallen Aldio Mulyadana


This article discusses the nature of humans as social beings in the Islamic perspective and its implications for Islamic education. Humans are viewed as social beings who cannot live in isolation, as explained in the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the context of Islamic education, this understanding forms a strong foundation for designing curricula and teaching methods that align with human nature. Humans possess several essential values, including spirit, body, soul, heart, and intellect, all of which play crucial roles in human life and their relationship with their social environment. The implications of this view on Islamic education emphasize the need to build awareness of the importance of healthy social interactions, effective communication, and cooperation in building a just and prosperous society. Islamic education should also integrate religious values into every aspect of learning, including through a holistic approach that encompasses character formation and social skills. Furthermore, the article highlights the need for dialogue and critical reflection on contemporary social issues in the context of Islamic education. Thus, understanding the nature of humans as social beings and its implications for Islamic education is crucial in preparing morally upright Muslim generations capable of making positive contributions to an increasingly complex society. Through a holistic and contextual approach, Islamic education can play a significant role in shaping individuals who are competitive, empathetic, and responsible in facing the challenges of the times.


Human, Social Beings, Implications, Islamic Education

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