DEVELOPMENT OF TEXTBOOK FOR GRAMMATICAL MATERIAL BASED ON SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO IMPROVE WRITING SKILLS | تطوير الكتاب التعليمي في مادة التراكيب على أساس المدخل العلمي لترقية مهارة الكتابة

Rizka Utami


Teaching and learning process can not be separated from textbooks that play an important role as a reference for teachers and students. A good textbook must be representative of the curriculum that applies both the material and teaching methods so that learning objectives are achieved. Arabic textbooks in the 2013 curriculum use a scientific approach, but grammar material has not been explained in detail so that it affects students' competence to improve language skills. So the researcher developed a book for grammar material based on a scientific approach to improve writing skills. This study aims to develop books based on a scientific approach and determine the effectiveness of the books developed. The results obtained from this study are that the books developed have scored between 80-100% which means very good and can be used in learning without any improvement. While the effectiveness aspect obtained a significance value of around 10.93 which shows that the textbook for grammatical material based on scientific approach is effective to improving students’ writing skills.


Development, Grammatical Material, Scientific Approach, Writing Skills

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