Rasha Gazzaz King Abdulaziz Univeristy Saudi Arabia
Dr. Rasha Gazzaz is an Associate Professor currently working in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Leicester in 2006. Some of her research publications are on topics such as American Midwestern Fiction, Victorian Fiction, Strategies of Teaching Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Responses to Poetry during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Her research interests are in Victorian and Modern Literature, Women's Writing, Feminist Discourse and Theory, Literary and Cultural Studies, Poetry, and Digital Literature. She is currently working two projects: Children’s Literature in Saudi Arabia and Poetry and Architecture.
Prof. Tariq Elyas is a full-tenured professor of Applied Linguistics at King Abdulaziz University, KAU (Saudi Arabia). He holds an MA in English Literature (USA) and a PhD in Applied Linguistics (Australia), an LLM in International Law and Human Rights (UK), and a Post-Doctorate in Applied Linguistics from Newcastle University via the British Commonwealth Council (UK). Prof. Elyas’s areas of interest include global English, teacher identity, policy reform, the media, and female studies in the Middle East. Prof. Elyas has Guest-Edited four special issues: 1) ‘World Englishes in MENA’ (with Ahmar Mahboob) in World Englishes; 2) ‘Gender in Language Education’ (with Handoyo Puji Widodo) in Sexuality & Culture; 3) ‘English Language Education: A Critical Global Englishes Perspective’ (with Fan Fang and Handoyo Puji Widodo) in Asian Englishes; and 4) ‘Language Capital and the Medium of Instruction: Issues of Pedagogy, Economics and Political Feasibility’ (with Donia Bouhlila) in International Journal of Educational Development. Currently, Prof. Elyas has been assigned as an Associate Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of World Englishes-MENA Region.
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