Implementation Of The Triple Helix Mohammad Natsir In Arabic Education

Rizal Firdaus, Kama Abdul Hakam, Momod Abdul Somad, Ahmad Syamsu Rizal


The integration of mosque institutions, Islamic boarding schools, and campuses in the educational process, according to Mohammad Natsir, is essential. He believes this concept is very in line with the culture of Indonesian society. According to him, the educational process that integrates the three institutions can make graduates become intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually intelligent people. This research uses qualitative techniques and data sourced from documentation studies, and interviews, the data analysis techniques used are Miles and Huberman data analysis techniques, namely data analysis techniques consisting of three stages of analysis, namely collecting data and data reduction, displaying data, and conclusion. The findings are the implementation of Mohammad Natsir's triple helix at Arraayah University Indonesia, including 1) implementation of Arabic language teaching in the Arraayah Mosque through into kalimah activities (short speech), halaqah of the Qur'an (tahfidz), mashrohiyyah (Arabic theatrical), scientific competitions. 2) The implementation of Arabic language teaching at Pesantren Arraayah is carried out in various places such as in madrasahs through Arabic language learning activities, dormitories through study group activities, monitoring Arabic-language discipline, direct evaluation from the senior student, Arabic environment conditioning, sports fields through Arabic-language conditioning activities in various sports activities, open spaces and in other public facilities in pesantren through activities  jalsah tarbawiyyah. 3) The implementation of Arabic language teaching at the Arraayah Campus is carried out in lecture classes through learning materials for Arabic and Islamic studies as well as the development of Arabic language education through teaching practices and research in the Arabic teaching studies.


the triple helix of Mohammad Natsir, STIBA Arraayah, Arabic Education

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