Needs Analysis of Development Ilmu Ashwat to Improve Speaking Skills Using Thunkable Applications/ تحليل احتياجات تطوير علم الأصوات العربية لتحسين مهارة الكلام باستخدام برمجة Thunkable

Salma Salma, Kholisin Kholisin, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati


Limitations of media in learning Arabic phonology, causing non-native Arabic students to experience suprasegmental phoneme errors, especially in learning speaking skills, this study aims to need analysis of students and lecturers in development ilmu ashwat to improve speaking skills with thunkable applications. This need analysis study used the descriptive analysis method. Data are collected by observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation, and the data analysis technique consists of data collection, reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this study showed that 59% of students had difficulty learning the pronunciation of sounds, 89% had difficulty in sound stress, and 85% had trouble intonating words and sentences. At the same time, from the interviews with speaking lecturers, it can be seen that students need help adjusting the correct Arabic sound, which sometimes needs to be clarified about the intended meaning due to their habit of using the Jawa dialect. The design of the "Arabic Phonology" application for speaking skills is the best solution to be used as guidance for learning speaking skills at universities.


Ilmu Ashwat; Speaking Skills; Phonology; Thunkable

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