The Social Religious Values Behind The Morphophonemic Rules Of Assimilation In Arabic

Kholisin Kholisin, Achmad Tohe, Moch. Wahib Dariyadi


The general objective of this research is to examine the relevance of the rules of assimilation in Arabic with religious, social values. This study uses a qualitative approach with an ethnolinguistic approach. The data were collected through in-depth and repeated reading of the Arabic language's assimilation rules, which allegedly contained social religious values. The data is taken from two syntax books, Alfiyah Ibn Malik and Jami'ud Duru:s al-Arabiyyah. Data analysis steps include classification, reduction, verification, and inference. The study results indicate a relevance between the morphophonemic rules of assimilation in Arabic and social, religious values. These values include (1) making it easy and not making it difficult, (2) prioritizing the core over the extra, (3) the strong tend to beat the weak, (4) being willing to sacrifice for harmony, (5) choosing the lightest harm, and (6) willingness to adapt in society. The relevance between Arabic morphophonemic rules and socio-cultural values reinforces the ethnolinguistic theory. The language dimension can describe society's social and cultural dimensions and social structure


Ethnolinguistics; Assimilation; Arabic, Religious Social Values

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